Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Research Studio first project

This is my first project from my Research Studio class.
Assignment: Find a contemporary artist in either the Art Institute or the Museum of Contemporary Art whose work "turns you on" (my teacher's words, not mine), research the artist, and make a piece of art that is "opposite" to the art in some way. I chose the artist Henry Darger and the illustration that is below (I don't think it has a title). You should look up Henry Darger, he is really interesting. Anyways, here is my project.


Anonymous said...

Ben... I laughed so hard I cried. Seriously. My face is sopping and my roommate thought I was having a breakdown. That's hilarious - I love the little guys' faces of sheer terror. Good god Ben, I'm so glad you're going to art school.

Ben Bertin said...

Thanks Anna. I am too, actually. I just came back from the critique of that piece. It went pretty well.