Monday, February 22, 2010

MIOK print

In case you've been wondering about certain recent posts, I've been uploading quite a few images from a body of work related to a new comic I'm working on called MIOK (read the letters separately), a short story following the character Miok (pronounced 'my-oke') as he struggles with self doubt in an increasingly complicated life.

I just finished a long night of printing this print (!), which will sit on the page opposite the Chapter 1 page, based on this digital image that I created earlier this week. It's made up of 10 separate layers and will probably get a few more by the time I'm done with it.

It'll be shrunk down and probably simplified a bit for the sake of the book (the image, which isn't even totally finished, is about 12" x 12" on the paper and the projected size for the book is 11" x 11"). I will be making one hardbound artist book version of MIOK and also reproducing it in some other form.

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